Practical & cultural uses

Kites have been used militarily in the past, both for delivery of messages and munitions, and for observation, by lifting an observer above the field of battle, and by using kite aerial photography.

Kites have also been used for scientific purposes, such as Benjamin Franklin's famous (but dangerous) experiment proving that lightning is electricity. Kites were the precursors to aircraft, and were instrumental in the development of early flying craft. Alexander Graham Bell experimented with very large man-carrying kites, as did the Wright brothers.

Kite flying is very popular in China, Japan, India, Thailand, and many other countries. In some countries, 'kite fights' are held, in which kite fighters try to snag each other's kites or cut other kites down. In Afghanistan this is known as Gudiparan Bazi. Some kite fighters pass their strings through a mixture of ground glass powder and glue. The resulting strings are very abrasive and can sever the competitor's strings. However, this practice is dangerous since the abrasive strings can also injure people.

In recent years, multi-line kite flying has developed into a sport, with competitions for precision flying and for the artistic interpretation of music.

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